Kaitlyn Hathorn

FFI Grants and Contracts Coordinator

People say that Kaitlyn is a great listener who is understanding, empowering, hardworking and driven by the end goal. The most meaningful type of work for Kaitlyn is work that improves the lives of others. Throughout her career, she has always been in helping fields. From working with youth on emotional regulation and workforce development skills to reviewing annual data and support grant writing, she finds motivation knowing that her team is making an impact. Whether helping someone learn a new skill, providing peer support or opening a door to additional resources, the work of her team is important.

Music is incredibly important to Kaitlyn. She has played piano for over 20 years, and she still tries to find time to play. When not playing piano, she is typically listening to music and dancing around the house with her kids. She also enjoys spending time with her family, travelling and gardening.

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work, UW-Whitewater
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work, UW-Madison

Contact Kaitlyn Hathorn