After 3 years working with the Food Finance Institute, Zac is leaving FFI to work as the Digital Experience Strategist for the University of Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association.
The main focus of his role will be leading and managing the user experience (UX) process for their portfolio of websites and applications, helping move key web projects forward while keeping the users of those properties front and center. He will also be leading in the analysis of those digital properties’ effectiveness through Google Analytics and other tools. He starts his new position Nov. 18, 2019.
Zac joined the Food Finance in October 2016. As the Edible-Alpha® Program Manager for FFI, Zac had many roles. He led the product development and project management for the Edible-Alpha® digital learning platform as well as the previous Food Finance Institute website. He also led the content production and curation process for the site, including the production of the Edible-Alpha podcast and newsletter, some of its on-demand course content and the development of many of its processes and custom functionality for the benefit of the food and farm entrepreneurs FFI serves.
Before becoming the Edible-Alpha® Program Manager, as the general FFI Program Manager he led many other projects, including the management of FFI’s USDA LFPP grant for the benefit of Food Hubs; coordinated and organized FFI’s consulting, consultant training and financial management boot camp activities; led the development of FFI’s Salesforce implementation; and provided support and consulting to various food businesses.
Zac will most miss the outstanding mission of providing high quality consulting and technical assistance to aspiring food and farm entrepreneurs.
He is thankful to the FFI team and to the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship for giving him the support and room to grow professionally.
He will miss the many friends and professional relationships he has made over the years at FFI, but he is planning to stay involved with the mission and many people who make FFI great!